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Nuestra misión

Enriquecer las vidas de personas con necesidades/discapacidades especiales y fomentar la independencia funcional con una mayor confianza en sí mismos y mejores habilidades de la vida diaria mediante el uso de actividades adaptativas, seguras y agradables, asistidas por equinos.

About Us
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¡Zona Ecuestre!

En una nueva zona, los jinetes se curan


Equestrian Zone is a

PATH International Center Member

utilizing the Masterson Method for the following

Equine-Assisted Services:


Equine-assisted services (EAS) is recommended as an optimal unifying term to refer to multiple services in which professionals incorporate horses and other equines to benefit people.


Related to the broad area of therapy, licensed therapy professionals may incorporate horses in six distinct therapies: counseling, occupational therapy, physical therapy, psychotherapy, recreational and speech-language pathology. These licensed therapy professionals work within the scope of practice of their particular discipline.



Related to the broad area of learning, specially trained or certified professionals may incorporate horses in three distinct non-therapy services: equine-assisted learning in education, equine-assisted learning in organizations, and equine-assisted learning in personal development. 


Related to the broad area of horsemanship, equine professionals may offer four distinct non-therapy services that are adapted from traditional equine disciplines of horseback riding, driving, and vaulting. These include adaptive equestrian sport, adaptive riding or therapeutic riding, driving, and interactive vaulting. Equine professionals with specialized training or certifications provide these services to individuals and groups with diverse needs. 

Robotic Horse Simulator

This therapeutic service provides the simulated movement of a horse using biomechanical technology through Chariot Innovations MiraColt™, manufactured right here in the USA! 

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Como organización sin fines de lucro, los voluntarios nos permiten seguir adelante. Desde ayudar con los caballos hasta ayudar con actividades adaptadas, su tiempo y talento son bienvenidos como parte del equipo. Para la seguridad de nuestros jinetes, examinamos a todos los voluntarios de servicio directo mediante una verificación de antecedentes. ¡ Lo apreciamos y estamos agradecidos por usted!


Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de visitarnos. ¡Nos encantaría saber de ti!

¡Contáctanos hoy!

Dirección física:

19769 Carretera 154W

Dardanelle, Arkansas 72834

Dirección de envio:

Apartado Postal 103

Centro de la ciudad, Arkansas 72829

Correo electrónico:

Teléfono: (479) 970-9379

Zona Ecuestre © 2007 es una organización sin fines de lucro exenta de impuestos.

Organización 501(c)(3)

Apartado Postal 103 Centerville, AR, 72829

(479) 970-9379

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